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What Makes an Interior Designer Fee Worth It?

Why hire an interior designer instead of decorating DIY? Homeowners have been working with interior designers for centuries, combining vision with talent to create beautiful spaces. You may have a vision for you living room that only a professional designer could bring to life. But many people have a few questions about why interior design works the way it does, especially when it comes to cost.

Interior designers are often paid in addition to the cost of any new furniture and decor. Why are interior designers’ fees set where they are and, you may be asking yourself, is it worth it? Just what services, value, and final result will you see in return for investing in an interior designer’s expertise? And how can you maximize that value, hiring an interior designer for the best result when it matters most?

These are exactly the questions we will help you answer today.

The Design Itself

First, let’s not underestimate the value of the design itself. To make the design, an interior designer listens to the homeowners and gets a feel for their personality and preferences. They walk through your house and take into account the architecture and the rest of your home decor. The final design is personalized not just to the house, but to you and your vision of a beautiful home as well. No number of magazine and Pinterest images of designs will give you a design as precise, perfect, and personalized as the one your interior designers creates to start your project rolling.

Discounted Furniture and Design Pieces

Another overlooked value is that interior designers often have the scoop on amazing prices for beautiful furniture and pieces of art that will transform your space. The OPENUU team typically saves between 10% and 15% of the total purchase-cost of your interior design in furniture discounts alone. DIY-ing your home design could actually cost more without these decorator insider deals.

Your interior designer likely also has a few contacts with trustworthy local trades and may know how to get you the best deals on structural work as well.

Project Planning and Coordination

When you hire an interior designer, you don’t have to be the ringleader for the project planning and execution. You don’t have to be the one in charge of scheduling the painters and the electricians at the right time in your project because your interior designer will handle it for you.

Homeowners are often very busy people with full-time jobs and family obligations. Your time is valuable, so we aim to take on that stress and time-consuming oversight when making your home more beautiful

An interior architect is not just your designer, they are the central manager of your entire design project. Your interior designer, and possibly their team, take on the responsibility of coordinating the transformation of the room.

Contractor Hiring and Management

Your interior designer also handles the contractors who may do work on you home as part of the design. Contractor management is a delicate but necessary part of any home renovation. We know great quality contractors that we have worked with many times over years of partnership. You need trustworthy teams and well-organized oversight that your interior designer can provide, so you don’t have to.

Dedicated Concierge Service

Your interior designer is also your liaison, the one person in the project who is fully answerable to you and responsible for your happiness.  Interior design is often a concierge service where your designer is available to call any time during the project and they will do their best to make you happy. Having someone on-call to help make your design perfect, handle emergencies, and manage the project for you has value so you don’t need to deal with it.

Delivering Final Results

Finally, your interior designer is responsible for delivering final results. Why do we pay the interior decorator fee instead of DIY decorating each room? It’s for the results. In the long run, we save you time, money, and headache.

Contact us today to explore interior design and renovation with more bang for your buck.