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7 Rare Houseplants Perfect for Beginners

Becoming a plant parent is a journey that doesn’t only bring you joy, but is literally good for your health. Even though spider plants and ferns are beautiful, you may be looking for something a little bit out of the ordinary. If you want your next houseplant to be something a little more unique that’s still easy for beginners, keep reading!

Rare houseplants for beginners

Rare houseplants are considered rare due to the fact that they’re not easy to find, and there are quite a few! Here are some of the ones we think are best for the beginner plant parents!

1. Pink Princess Philodendron

This tropical pink vining plant adds a pop of color to your plant collection and your home and they’re pretty easy to take care of! Care tips for a happy pink princess include:

Light: Bright indirect light; without proper light, it will lose it’s pink pigmentation! 

Humidity: Does best with some humidity, but can tolerate normal household conditions. 

Soil mix: Well draining, acidic, loamy, soil full of organic matter

Water: Water when the top half of the soil is dry – do no overwater as this plant is prone to root rot.

Fertilizer: Fertilize once a month with a well-balanced liquid fertilizer during the spring and summer. 

2. White Wizard Philodendron

This white variegated philodendron is an easy plant to take care of while still adding variety to the usual green plants! Care tips for a healthy plant include:

Light: Bright indirect light, not enough light and it will turn back to green; does not like full sun

Humidity: Will love 50% humidity (tips for increasing humidity).

Soil mix: Does best in a potting compost with 20% ratio of perlite to create a well-draining soil; does not like soggy soil.

Water: Water when the top half of the soil is dry. It does not tolerate being overwatered.

Fertilizer: Will grow faster with a well-balanced liquid fertilizer during spring and summer. 

3. Philodendron Melanochrysum

Also named the black-gold philodendron, it’s known for it’s dark green velvety leaves and bright yellow veins. Tips for caring for a melanochrysum include:

Light: Dappled, indirect sunlight; avoid direct sunlight.

Humidity: Will tolerate normal household conditions, but will do best with an increase in humidity.

Soil mix: Use pure sphagnum moss or “one part peat moss, one part perlite, and one part orchid bark mix” for moist, well-draining soil high in organic matter.

Water: Water thoroughly when the top 2-3 inches of soil is dried out. 

Fertilizer: Feed with a well-balanced liquid fertilizer once a month from early spring to late summer.

4. Variegated Burle Marxe

This rare philodendron will be quite the unique find in addition to being stunning with it’s multi-colored, arrowhead-shaped foliage! Care tips for this plant include:

Light: Bright, indirect light – does not do well in low-lighting.

Humidity: Will do best if you can increase the humidity around this plant!

Soil mix: Mix peat-moss, perlite and coco coir to keep it moist, airy and slightly acidic. 

Water: Water when top inch of soil is dry. Do not let the roots get soggy or let the soil dry out!

Fertilizer: Use a well-balanced, liquid fertilizer diluted by half the recommended strength in the spring and summer months.

5. Ring of Fire Philodendron

The ring of fire is a very unique, variegated philodendron that will be a great addition to your collection, big or small! Tips for caring for this plant include:

Light: Bright, dappled sunlight; but can tolerate low-lighting, though it does best receiving light.

Humidity: Keep away from vents and drafts; will do best in moderate humidity. 

Soil mix: Use an aroid mix to keep it moist but airy. Avoid sand. 

Water: Water when the top 3 inches of soil are dry; water less in the winter.

Fertilizer: Use a slow- releasing fertilizer 3 times during the spring and summer.

6. Monstera Albo

While this is one of the most expensive and hardest plants to find, it is an extremely amazing and unique addition to your plant family and pretty easy to take care of. If you get your hands on one, tips for taking care of one include:

Light: Bright, indirect or filtered sunlight for the majority of the day.

Humidity: Will thrive when kept in humid conditions.

Soil mix: Prefers a well-draining potting mix “consisting of peat moss, perlite, coco coir, chunky orchid bark and worm castings.”

Water: Water thoroughly when the top inch of soil is dry. Will tolerate dry soil better than soggy soil.

Fertilizer: Stick to schedule giving it fertilizer every 6-8 weeks during it’s growing season and less during the winter months.

7. Florida Beauty Philodendron

This trailing plant is a great addition to your plant family with it’s variegated leaves, unique shape, and cream colored flowers! Tips for taking care of this plant include:

Light: Keep in bright, indirect light in order to maintain is variegation.

Humidity: Will benefit from 50-60% humidity.

Soil mix:Create a well-draining, airy soil that contains matter light perlite, bark and vermiculite.

Water: Water when the top 1/4 inch of soil is dry, about 1-2 times per week. Be sure not to waterlog.

Fertilizer: Use a well-balanced liquid fertilizer once a month in the spring and summer months. 

Contact us for more innovative design tips. 

5 Main Reasons Houseplants Are Great For Your Home

Houseplants are a great way to add life to your home, and they come with a host of benefits. They look great, but they can also help purify the air, boost your mood, and increase humidity levels. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance way to spruce up your home, houseplants are the way to go. And with so many different varieties to choose from, there’s sure to be one perfect for your space. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and get your green thumb on!

1. Boost Your Mental Health

It’s no secret that spending time in nature can positively affect your mental health. According to studies, exposure to green space can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, while also promoting feelings of happiness and well-being. While it’s not always possible to head outside for a nature fix, you can bring the benefits of the outdoors inside your home with houseplants. They add:

•    A touch of greenery to your décor
•    Help purify the air
•    Reduce noise pollution
•    Boost your mood

2. Make Us Better Workers

Most people think of houseplants as merely aesthetic additions to their homes. According to studies, plants have been shown to boost productivity and concentration, and they can even help reduce noise levels in offices. In addition to the cognitive benefits, plants also improve air quality by removing harmful toxins from the air. Consequently, there are many good reasons to keep houseplants in your home or office. They look nice, but they can also help you work more efficiently and effectively.

3. They Can Purify the Air in Your Home

Many people don’t realize it, but the air inside our homes can be up to five times more polluted than the air outside. It is because houses are designed to be airtight, trapping pollutants like dust, pollen, and pet dander. These pollutants can cause various health problems, including allergies, asthmatic attacks, and even headaches. One way to help purify the air in your home is to add houseplants. According to studies, plants act as natural filters, removing pollutants from the air and releasing clean, oxygen-rich air. They improve the quality of the air in your home, but they also add a touch of nature and can boost your mood.

4. Helps Improve Creativeness

It is no secret that plants can brighten up any home. They add color and life to a space, but they can also help purify the air and improve your overall health. However, did you know that plants can also help to enhance your creativity? Numerous studies have shown that being around plants can help to increase creative creativity and problem-solving abilities. One theory is that plants help to stimulate divergent thinking, which is essential for generating new ideas. In addition, plants promote calmness and relaxation, both of which are important for creative thinking.

5. They Are Easy To Care For

Houseplants are a great way to add life to your home, and they are easy to care for! They help purify the air, but they can also boost your mood and create a sense of calm. There are many different kinds of houseplants to choose from, so you can find one that suits your lifestyle and personality. Low-maintenance plants like succulents and snake plants are perfect for busy people or those who forget to water their plants regularly. If you have pets, there are also many kinds of plants that are safe for them to be around. And if you have a black thumb, don’t worry–there are plenty of difficult-to-kill plants that even the most inexperienced gardener can handle. 

Let’s Get Started with Vases and Planters

Houseplants are a great way to improve the look and feel of your home. They can purify the air, boost your mood, and create a sense of calm. There are many different kinds of houseplants to choose from, so you can find one that suits your lifestyle and personality.

Within our Vases and Planters, we have a variety of beautiful houseplants that would make a great addition to any home. Shop our selection today and find the perfect plant for your space. Visit our website to shop our planters collection.

Contact us to learn more. 

5 Reasons Philodendron Pink Princess Is My Favorite Rare Plant

Houseplants have a way of brightening up a home and adding to its charm and appeal. If you’re a sucker for pink, you need to get your hands on a philodendron Pink Princess plant. It’s one of the rarest plants in the world and has been causing social media buzz since last year.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of the rare Philodendron Pink Princess. I’ll also throw in some care tips for the plant, and who knows, it might be your new favorite rare plant.

1. It’s Pink and Very Unique!

There are over five hundred different philodendron species, but the Philodendron Pink Princess is the one plant that stands out. Its leaves are in the shape of a heart and have graceful variegation of pink. This is why it’s also called the blushing philodendron.  On top of that, its stem is a beautiful dark red, making the plant one of a kind.

2. It’s a Great Indoor Plant

Like most tropical plants, the Blushing Philodendron is a great indoor plant. It can adapt itself to different lighting and water conditions. Besides, it requires indirect light instead of direct sunshine, making it an ideal indoor plant. 

3. The Philodendron Pink Princess is Cheaper Than Most Rare Plants.

Did you know that there are plants that cost up to four figures? Shocking? But it’s because they’re very rare. Some of them are even endangered. As for the Philodendron princess plant, its price starts from $100 per cutting. Its charm lies in its uniqueness and ability to brighten up your home, making it a great investment.

4. It Grows Quickly

Under the right conditions, the Philodendron Pink Princess grows really fast. It can reach 4 feet, and its leaves can grow to  8″ long and 5″ wide. Besides, you can naturally breed the plant from the parent stock. 

5. It’s Easy To Care for a Blushing Philodendron.

One of the best things about the plant is that it’s easy to manage. You won’t need to break the bank to buy fertilizer every week or other plant maintenance products.

Here are some care tips to ensure your blushing philodendron plant grows strong and healthy.

  • Soil. Your philodendron pink princess thrives in well-draining, organic soil like many tropical plants. 
  • Water.  Although the plant is drought-resistant, don’t let it go for days without water. If you’re not sure whether to add more water to your plant, try the dip-finger method. Stick your index finger about an inch deep into the pot. If your finger comes out dry, it’s time to add more water.
  • Light. Your blushing Philodendron is delicate and can’t handle direct sunlight. So make sure you place it away from the sun’s rays.  Instead, pick a place where your plant can get indirect light for at least 6 hours in a day. 
  • Humidity. Philodendron princess plant grows well in humidity levels of 50% and higher. When the humidity levels are low, its leaves lose water, and the beautiful pink leaves turn brown. You can use a humidifier to increase the amount of moisture in the air, especially during hot seasons.
  • Fertilizer. Since the pink princess grows in soil full of nutrients, it doesn’t need a lot of fertilizer. However, give your plant some fertilizer at least once a month. Keep this up from spring to fall but skip the fertilizer in winter. The Philodendron princess plant is dormant during winter and doesn’t need fertilizer.

Where To Get a Philodendron Pink Princess Plant (PPP)

Last year, PPP got a lot of recognition on social media and Instagram in particular. The social media buzz created a demand for the plant, and many people rushed to buy the plant from online vendors. Unfortunately, online scammers used this opportunity to con people.

The scammers sold the Pink Congo Philodendron to many and passed it off as PPP. The plant also has pink leaves, so it was easy to pull off the schemes. However, the Pink Congo Philodendron leaves turn green once the plant is fully grown. 

To be safe and avoid getting scammed, only buy from trusted sources like our interior design company. Together with delivering this rare plant to you, our team can also help you furnish your home according to your likes and tastes. Contact us today and let us know your interior design needs.

5 Reasons Why Feature Walls are Important in Every Room

Feature walls are a great way to add personality and character to any room in your home. They can showcase artwork, photos, or other decorative items. Here, we will discuss the different types of feature walls and why they are important in every room.

1. Accent walls

Accent walls are a great way to add color and interest to any room. They can be used as an opportunity to showcase artwork, photos, or other decorative items that you love. In addition to adding personality and character to a room, accent walls can also create the illusion of a larger space.

If you have a small room that you would like to appear larger, consider painting one wall in a bright color. This will draw the eye upward and make the room appear more spacious. For already large rooms, an accent wall can create a cozier feel. Choose a rich, bold color to paint your feature wall for a cozy and inviting space.

2. A Large Piece of Art or a Mirror

If you have a large piece of art or a mirror you love, consider hanging it on your feature wall. This will add dimension and interest to the space. It is also a great way to fill a large wall without making the space feel too cluttered.

When hanging artwork or mirrors on your feature wall, use the proper hardware to ensure that it is secure. Heavy artwork should be hung with picture hangers that can support the weight. For lighter pieces, command strips or adhesive hooks can be used.

3. Shelving or Cabinets

Another great way to utilize your feature wall is to install shelving or cabinets. This is an excellent option if you have many small items that you would like to display, such as books, knick-knacks, or collectibles. Shelving and cabinets can also be used to store items that you use daily, such as dishes or cookbooks.

When installing shelving or cabinets on your feature wall, measure the space before you purchase any materials. You will also need to consider the weight of the items you will be stored on the shelves. For heavier items, opt for sturdier shelves that can support the weight.

4. Curtains or Drapery

If you want to add a softer look to your feature wall, consider hanging curtains or drapery. This is a great way to filter light and create a more intimate feel in any room. When choosing curtains or drapery for your feature wall, select a fabric that compliments the other colors and textures in the room.

Hang the curtains or drapery at length proportional to the height of the wall. You may want to hang the curtains closer to the ceiling for taller walls. This will create the illusion of a taller space and make the room feel more open.

5. Wallpaper

Wallpaper is another great way to add personality and character to any room. It can be used to create a bold and unique look that will make your feature wall stand out. When choosing wallpaper for your feature wall, be sure to select a design that you love and compliments the other elements in the room.

Installing wallpaper can be tricky, so following the package’s directions is essential. Be sure to measure the wall before you purchase any materials. You will also need to use wallpaper adhesive and primer to ensure that the wallpaper sticks to the wall and does not peel over time.

Let’s Get Started with OPENUU

Feature walls are a great way to add personality and character to any room. When choosing a design for your feature wall, consider the other elements in the room and select a style that you love. With a little bit of planning, you can create a beautiful and unique space that you will enjoy for years to come.

At  OPENUU, we are experts in architecture, interior, exhibition, branding, and product design.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation.

Wall Clocks: 3 Fun Ways to Enhance Your Wall Decor

Are your walls plain and boring? If so, it’s time to get creative and add some personality to your space! Wall clocks are a great way to do just that. You may be wondering why you should add one? After all, most of us check the time on our phones or watches these days. Well, wall clocks can do more than just tell time – they can also enhance your wall decor in many fun and interesting ways! Wondering how? Keep reading.

Reasons Why Wall Clocks Are a Perfect Addition

study shows that the decor in your home plays a significant role in your moods. Wall clocks offer endless possibilities when it comes to wall decor. You can choose a clock that matches your existing decor or go for something completely different to create a bold new look. Whichever route you decide to take, here are three reasons why wall clocks are a perfect addition.

They Complement Any Decor

Whether you have a contemporary, modern, or traditional style home, there is a wall clock to suit your needs. Wall clocks come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, so you are sure to find one that compliments your existing decor. If you want something different and unique, the Modena or Andria Wall clock, for example, are perfect choices.

They Make a Statement

Wall clocks are a great way to add some personality to your space. They can be used to make a bold statement or add a touch of whimsy. Whatever your style, there is a clock out there that will reflect it. If you are an animal lover, check out the Modern Poodle Frameless wall clockModern dog lover wall clock, or the modern jack Russell Terrier wall clock.

They Are Functional

In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, wall clocks are also functional. As mentioned earlier, they can be used to tell time. But they can also be used as a conversation starter or to help keep track of time when working on a project.

How to Enhance Your Wall Decor Using Wall Clocks

So, how can you enhance your wall decor using wall clocks? Here are fun ways to do it:

As a Focal Point 

A focal point is the first thing your eyes are drawn to when you enter a room. It is typically an object that is both eye-catching and unique. To create this look, choose a large clock with an interesting design. Hang it on a wall that is visible from the entrance of the room. A Modern Dachshund Frameless Wall clock, for instance, can make an excellent focal point!

As Part of a Gallery Wall 

Gallery walls are all the rage these days – and for a good reason! They are a great way to display photos, artwork, and other mementos. And they can be customized to suit any style. To add a clock to your gallery wall, simply find one that coordinates with the other pieces in the collection.

As an Accent Piece 

An accent piece is a small item used to add interest or contrast to a room. Wall clocks make great accent pieces! Hang it on a wall that is adjacent to another object, such as a piece of furniture or a window. This, however, should not limit you as you can also go for a Modern Frenchie wall clock which is an excellent way to make a statement.

Bottom Line

As you can see, wall clocks offer endless possibilities. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and styles. So, there is sure to be one that will suit your needs! With so many options available, you can up your wall game by shopping now for our wall clock collection! For more information on interior design, check out our website or get in touch with us.

Why It’s Worth It to Pay for a Designer

Whether you’re a retail business development manager looking for ways to revitalize an existing storefront or are looking to expand and open a brand-new and seamless retail space, partnering with, and paying for a designer can positively benefit your journey in ways you may not have thought of.

While you’re in the midst of budgeting your renovation, planning a budget, and figuring out how you can accurately demonstrate your brand to your target consumers, a designer can help bring together the details and create a visual storytelling experience like no other.

Not completely sold on investing part of your design and construction budget on a retail design expert? We’ll discuss the reasons that it’s worth it to pay for a designer below, from the start of your latest project through to completion.

What a Designer Can Help You Achieve

The overall design process of your storefront matters when it comes to persuading customers to browse your products and make the decision to move forward with a purchase. From the predetermined customer flow to the window displays that beckon foot traffic from your shops exterior, a retail designer can focus their attention on the smallest details which have the biggest impact on your sales.

Additionally, a best-in-class retail designer can infuse fresh energy into your retail projects, sharing their industry insights and providing connections that will help you streamline your revitalization process and align your branding throughout your retail shop’s built environment.

How to Choose a Designer to Fulfill Your Retail Design Needs

Designing an engaging retail space is no small feat, and as such, your first step in the design process is hiring a retail designer with the expertise and connections you need to cultivate an ideal customer experience. When choosing a designer, make sure that you review their design portfolios to ensure that they do in fact specialize in retail and commercial design. Only industry professionals will know how to work with construction companies and navigate the inevitable barriers and obstacles that can plague design implementation processes.

Why Is Investing in a Designer Worth It?

Only designers have the network, knowledge, and experience to weave your brand, vision, and product together seamlessly in the built environment of your store. Additionally, retail designers are in tune with what fixtures and non-visual cues impact the customer experience, including sound, texture, and ambiance.

A professional designer will sit down with you to generate new ideas, educate you on retail habits, and even help you optimize your budget for a cost-effective project. Design is a constant movement forward, and a professional designer can help you consistently innovate and create your ideal customer experience for your unique retail space.

For more information on our retail design services, contact us today.

Why Choosing a Retail Store Layout is Important

According to Big Commerce, 51% of Americans would rather shop online, with 96% of Americans sharing that they’ve made at least one online purchase in their lifetime. With statistics like this, it’s no wonder that many retail stores are rebranding and renovating their storefronts to encourage foot traffic and reconnect with a lost customer base.

Part of this retail revitalization process is choosing a retail typology that aligns with a shop’s target consumer while optimizing sales. The layout of a retail shop can make a major difference in customer shopping habits, visual aesthetic, and overall profitability of the store.

Whether you’re in the midst of a retail redesign or are interested in working with a retail designer to incorporate a best-in-class layout into your new retail location, acquaint yourself with some common retail design typologies that can impact your branding, customer experience, and business success.

Why Choosing a Retail Store Layout Matters

The layout or floor plan of your retail store impacts how customers flow through your store. Retail designers are experts in understanding how customer flow can help stores optimize their sales process and can guide you towards the right store layout for your unique brand and products.

Types of Retail Store Layouts

In the modern market, there are four typical store layouts that are often used by retail storefronts of all sizes:

Free-flow store layouts: These layouts encourage customers to browse freely with no predetermined customer flow. This layout allows for maximum creativity, allowing for retail and shop owners to play around with product placement to see what customers organically wander towards.

Grid store layouts: Grid layouts are one of the most popular layouts in major grocery chains. With designated aisles, product always in sight, and areas of the store where themed or related products have their “home,” grid layouts are often put in place to maximize sales and encourage last-minute purchases.

Loop store layouts: Loop layouts are a spin on the grid layout for retail environments who want their customer flow to see as much product as possible. In this layout, customers are guided through a store “loop” with targeted products placed in specific locations.

Herringbone store layouts: Herringbone layouts are ideal for long and narrow retail spaces often seen in dense downtown cores and malls. This particular layout again takes after the traditional grid layout of large stores, but add space for comfort and relaxation in the midst of so much product in a small space.

If you’re trying to find the best store layout or retail typology for your unique retail space, take the time to think about the types of product you have, your location, available space, and how you want your customers to flow through the store. Retail designers can be of benefit to shop owners who want to maximize their sales and create a welcoming retail environment.

For more information on what kind of retail design will work best for your new retail store, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

The Benefits of Having a Retail Designer in Your Corner

Although there are plenty of sales being made daily on online shopping platforms, there is still something to be said about the comforting and engaging experience of shopping in a well-designed retail store.

To maximize a retail shop’s potential, many shop owners are turning to the expertise of retail designers to help them make informed decisions, plan their budgets, and work their brand into every aspect of visual storytelling that they can.

Whether you are opening a new retail store or are interested in rebranding to align better with your customer base, consider partnering with a retail designer who can provide benefits that you may not have thought to be possible through design.

What is Retail Design?

Retail design is the way in which aspects of your brand and story are integrated into your shop’s built environment. From the lighting in your store to well-designed window displays, retail design works to capture a potential customer’s attention and encourages them to step foot in your shop.

What Are the Benefits of Partnering with a Retail Designer?

Retail designers are industry professionals dedicated to helping you create a visual storytelling process that is custom tailored to your unique brand. When done correctly, best-in-class retail designers can help shop owners increase their return on investment (ROI) by ensuring that:

·      Product information is accessible to potential customers

·      Branding can be seen in all details of the retail environment

·      Customer flow is optimized to encourage purchases

The general floor plan of your retail shop has a major effect on your customer’s buying habits. Retail designers help store owners design a floor plan that showcases core products and encourages casual browsing.

Retail designers are also specialists in helping you voice your brand and create appealing visual aspects that reflect your values and products. The interior design fixtures and features of your shop play a big part in how a customer feels in your shop. By discussing the pros and cons of specific environmental choices like lighting, furniture, and sound in your space, a retail designer can help you create an ambiance that invites in your ideal customer.

Your vision may not always match the results when you take on the retail design process alone. However, when you work with a retail designer, you can generate new ideas, communicate your vision, and have it executed functionally and incorporated seamlessly into your retail environment.

Standing out amongst the crowd is key to retail success. A retail designer can help you establish yourself as a best-in-class shop that your ideal customer base will be drawn and create brand loyalty.

Want to know more about the benefits of hiring a retail designer?

Contact us today, and we’ll happily answer any questions that you may have.

Why Hire a Designer to Help with Your Retail Design and Management

The design and management of your retail store is part of a greater collective of people dedicated to opening a top-notch shop. The interior design of your retail store has a much greater impact on your potential customer’s experience than you may think, so choosing to invest a percentage of your budget in a professional retail design studio can deliver a high return on investment (ROI).

From your store layout to effective retail signage, your retail concept should be represented continuously in a well-designed and managed store. By working with a design expert to ensure that your store is inviting and inspires purchases, you can streamline your sales processes and create a best-in-class customer experience.

ADesigner with Retail Design Experience

A retail designer is an experienced professional who helps shop owners cultivate their retail brand in the built environment. From signage to window displays, a retail designer will help you manage varying aspects of your store’s design concepts.

How Can Your Store Benefit from a Retail Designer?

Because a retail designer has a diverse skill set, they can help businesses create effective retail environments that promote sales and create an inviting and comforting experience for shoppers. They can also benefit your storefront in the following ways:

·      Retail designers will help you avoid mistakes. Because of their experience and knowledge in the industry, a retail designer is often equipped with a network of contractors and connections that can streamline your renovations and help you make the most out of your design and construction budget.

·      Retail designers can help you manage and make well-informed budget decisions. Creating a well-rounded and efficient budget for your retail store can be a painful process ridden with obstacles and challenges. However, retail designers boast their knowledge of regulations, zoning, and industry research to help you account for all budgetary needs to create a budget and future-forward plan to get your retail space off the ground.

·      Retail designers can help you manage your brand and create a cohesive design flow throughout your store. Your retail shop’s branding doesn’t stop with logo creation. Retail designers realize that your store’s story and brand should be woven into every detail of your store, and will work with you to manage your decision-making process and create an ambiance that reflects your brand.

Are You Ready to Optimize Your Retail Design and Management Process?

Choosing to work with a retail designer and manager is a worthy investment that both current and future shop owners should consider. Whether you’re in the midst of a rebrand or simply want to open a shop that entices your target consumer, your retail design will help you capture and retain a loyal customer base.

Want to learn more about what a retail designer help you with your new store?

Contact us today to discuss our future-forward services.

3 Types of Restaurant to Consider when Designing Your Restaurant

Restaurants around the globe each attempt to create a unique dining experience, differentiating themselves from their competition in many ways. However, the typology and overall concept of your restaurant are what drives a specific audience to your establishment, especially when they know that they’ll be met with the service and best-in-class cuisine that they expect.

The interior space of your restaurant is tied directly to the type of restaurant that you own. From how a server acts to what a customer plans to wear to your restaurant all depend on the predetermined typography of your restaurant. There are varying types of service that distinguishes your restaurant, such as:

High-End Fine Dining

In a fine dining restaurant, many people go for the overall experience just as much as they do the high-quality cuisine. Find dining establishments are set apart by their attention to detail and impeccable service. Often, these restaurants will have moody lighting that creates an intimate table experience, paired with high-quality service tailored to the customer’s immediate needs. For example, servers in high-end dining restaurants will be well-trained in proper decorum and know the answers to customer’s menu questions.

When it comes to design in high-end restaurant typology, there is often a distinct style, aesthetically pleasing fixtures, and a beautifully set dining area to provide customers with a luxurious restaurant experience.

Casual Dining Establishments

Casual restaurants are meant to help individual diners and families alike enjoy their meal in a relaxed setting. In casual dining restaurants, customers will often be allowed to walk-in and wait for a table without a reservation required, hence the “casual” title. These restaurants often have more set menu options for the convenience of the chefs and guests alike.

Design-wise, casual restaurants will often play music that aligns with the overall concept of the restaurant, while the design can be themed, cozy, or eclectic. The servers will be well-educated on their menu and take time to check-in during the dining experience.

Fast Food Restaurants

Most of us are familiar with fast food restaurants in some capacity. However, proper concept design and branding are key to making these establishments profitable, meaning that every detail has been carefully designed to increase sales and optimize the cooking process.

Bright colors work best in these restaurants, while the layout of the restaurant itself is quite flexible. Fast food restaurants can be stand-alone buildings, kiosks in malls, or even be held in food trucks.

People go to these restaurants for convenience, often expecting a simple dining area. Anna Samygina points out that the furniture may be created to be uncomfortable on purpose to deter customers from loitering once they’ve eaten their food.

No matter the type of concept you choose, the right restaurant type for you is the one that best reflects your location, values, and the needs of your target audience. We can help you cultivate your restaurant concept and design, so contact us today for more information.